Paticcasamuppada: Practical Dependent Origination
“‘Paṭiccasamuppāda is a profound teaching,’ said the Buddha – so profound, in fact, that most people ‘are not able to penetrate the law of dependent origination.’ The Buddha’s words to Ānanda are as true today as they were 2,500 years ago. Paṭiccasamuppāda, which is the heart of Buddhism, is difficult to see clearly and, thus, has become the center of grave misunderstandings and distortions. In this book, the Venerable Buddhadāsa Bhikkhu digs up the roots of these misunderstandings and turns them up to the critical light of scrutiny. These roots can be traced back to the early days of Buddhism, but find their first written expression 1,500 years ago in the commentaries of Buddhagosa.” (Excerpt from the Preface by The Dhamma Study and Practice Group)
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A talk delivered in 1978 and incorporated as an explanatory study guide to Paticcasamuppāda in the Words of the Buddha published in 1979. Translated from the Thai by Stephen Schmidt. First published by The Sublime Life, Bangkok, 1986. 2nd edition by The Vuddhidhamma Fund, Nonthaburi, 1992. This new edition, also e-published, by Buddhadāsa Indapañño Archives, 2020. 126 p.