-23- Occasional Screening of Dhamma Video Tapes and Slides
~ By Buddhadāsa Bhikkhu ~
The video tapes are used as an audio-visual aid. As for the slides, I was the first to use them in Dhamma lectures. My first slide projector was made from a car headlamp. I used to make a lot of slides, and others followed my example. Now I have stopped using the slides. We also made some movies for some time. But there was a lot of trouble, and the results were not quite worthwhile, so we stopped making them. Now we make some video tapes occasionally. It’s convenient to show their contents without much trouble. On proper occasions, when people want to watch one of our video tapes, we show it to them to facilitate their study. The slides and movies, which preceded the videotapes, caused trouble and hence have been discontinued.
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“24 Benefits of Suan Mokkh,” is a series of weekly posts published to commemorate the 88th anniversary of the foundation of Suan Mokkh in May 1932 in Chaiya, southern Thailand.
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For other Dhamma teachings by Buddhadāsa Bhikkhu (audios, free ebooks, interviews, poems), please visit Suan Mokkh – The Garden of Liberation.
Photograph from the Buddhadāsa Indapañño Archives collection (Ref. SD-02047)