The Living Computer
Photo: Buddhadāsa Indapañño Archives C06443
“If someone attacks us mentally or physically such as in physical assault or rape, under the law of impermanence we know it will not last, but how can we stop ourselves from feeling anger, hatred, and bitterness – and pity for the people who hurt us?”
~ Response by Buddhadāsa Bhikkhu ~
The way is to not have any self to be assaulted or raped. When there is no self to be victimized or attacked, then we will not have any of these problems. Of course it’s fine to feel pity for the fools who do such violent and stupid actions. To feel pity for them is one thing, but there’s no need to have some ‘me’ who was victimized or experienced these things. So when one sees that there is just body and mind, but it’s not-self, then these problems won’t arise – to see that the body is just some external covering and that it’s ordinary that all kinds of things will happen to the body, and then that the mind can be raised up above all such worldly things. Seeing in this way, there is no one to be assaulted, raped or victimized.
(From the retreat “The Living Computer,” as translated from the Thai by Santikaro)
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Dhamma Questions & Responses sessions were offered by Buddhadāsa Bhikkhu in 1990-1991 to foreign meditators attending Suan Mokkh International Dharma Hermitage courses.
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