A Universal Teaching
~ By Ajahn Sumedho ~
One of my favorite teachings is from a Greek philosopher I came across years ago called Pyrrho of Elis, about 250 BC. He’s generally called the Greek Buddha. But it’s very succinct, very direct, by the fact that it says,
‘By suspending judgement, by confining oneself to phenomena or objects as they appear, and by asserting nothing definite as to how they really are, one can escape the perplexities of life and attain an imperturbable peace of mind.’
This is a universal teaching, not just Buddha’s teaching, because it is the reality of our human existence; it’s not just a metaphysical idea or a recent psycho-therapeutic technique. This was discovered by Buddha 2564 years ago and then Pyrrho of Elis and probably many others, especially in the Eastern world, in India and China, [as] their basic religions are about awareness.
(From a Dhamma Q&A given by Ajahn on 17 August 2020 in Wat Ratanawan, Thailand)
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To watch the video of the Dhamma Q&A, please see the BuddhaDhamma Foundation Youtube channel
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For other teachings by Luang Por Sumedho, please visit the Amaravati Monastery website (Books) (Talks)
'Luang Por Sumedho in Wat Ratanawan on 17/08/2020' (video screenshot)