Illness Reminds Us to Be Clever
~ By Buddhadāsa Bhikkhu ~
Let us examine the reason why this illness happens. We ought to consider in a beneficial direction, that is, to see that this illness occurs to warn us. Illness doesn't exist to make us suffer or be sad. There's nothing about it to be sorry for or suffer over, which have no benefit because physical saṅkhāras are just like this. Rather, illness is to warn us and teach us to be more intelligent, rather than suffer. Illness informs us to be ready for the ultimate quenching without remainder of dukkha. If we as yet spin around in saṃsāric cycles we necessarily suffer with birth, aging, illness, and death. If you don't want birth, aging, illness, and death to occur, then don't spin around in cycles of saṃsāra.
(From 'Dharma for Ordinary Sick People,' a talk addressed to a general audience, many of whom were in their elder years. At the same time, July 1982, Tan Ajahn's own health was up and down. Translated from the Thai by Santikaro Upasaka.)
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Photograph from the Buddhadasa Indapanno Archives collection (C03604)