Observation, Review, Analysis


~ By Ajahn Jayasāro ~

It has been observed that over the past two hundred years, as the number of pirates in the world has steadily declined, average global temperatures have steadily increased. Could the answer to the growing climate crisis be as simple as sponsoring more pirates? Probably not.

Like most people, I am not very good at statistics. I have, however, taken to heart one of its basic principles: correlation is not causation. Pirates do not affect the weather. Distinguishing between correlation and causality is important in the investigation of Dhamma. Sometimes, in a given situation you lose your temper. On other occasions, you do not. What are the significant differences between the two occasions. In some areas of life you might be very patient; in other areas quite impatient. What accounts for the differences? Observation, review, analysis: all these activities have a place in Dhamma practice.

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"Food for the Heart", a series of Dhamma teachings handwritten weekly is posted on the Buddhadāsa Indapañño Archives page with Ajahn's kind permission.

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For other teachings by Ven. Ajahn Jayasāro, please visit the Panyaprateep Foundation website.


Dhamma Q&A with Students from Puget Sound University


Food for Thought #56