Drawing Close to the Qualities That Exemplify the Buddha
~ By Ajahn Pasanno ~
“Whether liking or disliking arise just see them all as uncertain. This is how to get close to the Buddha, to get close to the Dhamma.” (Ajahn Chah)
Wisdom, compassion and purity are three particular qualities that are important to cultivate internally that allow us to rely on the Buddha. Their integration in a balanced way can allow us to face the world, face circumstances, with a big heart, not cramped nor clouded, not rigid nor reactive, but reflective.
And we can rely on the manifestation of these qualities on a moment to moment basis to not cling to anything in the world, which takes on a heightened importance right now, so that we can use this opportunity skillfully to look after ourselves and look after each other.
(From ‘Whether Liking or Disliking Arise,' a Dhamma talk offered at Abhayagiri Monastery on 8 April 2020.)
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