Using the Heavenly Messengers and the Power of the Mind
~ By Ajahn Amaro ~
“This is a very good opportunity and I’m glad to be able to help out this way … particularly since about 25% of the population of the world is locked down, so they say. This is literally billions of people who are experiencing a retreat situation. Not only is there the threat of the illness but there’s also the challenge of living in a more limited situation, the challenge of being away from people that we love or close to the people that we love and different aspects of those changed life experiences. Before responding to any of the written questions [starting at 35:46] I’d like to offer a few reflections on this situation … and the heavenly messengers… of aging sickness and death … that help us look into the habits of self view ... whether you are ready or not. The real value of our inner world rises to the surface and becomes more apparent.”
(From ‘Live Stream on 29 March 2020,’ a Dhamma talk offered at Amaravati Buddhist Monastery.
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