The Dhammic Life Which Is Still a Secret
Photo: Buddhadāsa Indapañño Archives C07965
“Can you explain the difference between the science of religion and other sciences related to the mind such as psychology, psychiatry, neurology? Talking about the spiritual aspect of nature, how would you define the word ‘spiritual’?”
~ Response by Buddhadāsa Bhikkhu ~
First let’s consider what is meant by ‘science.’ For us when we speak of science we mean that which can be proven directly through our own experience, that which can be investigated, experienced, and proven directly, where we don’t have to rely on logic or belief or anything like that. By the way, much of what is called ‘science’ nowadays cannot be proven, it’s deducted using logic, but for us science can be proven through our direct experience, and other people can recreate those experiences for themselves, thus proving it for themselves. So this is what we mean by ‘science.’ The science of religion is science of the mind. Much of the science that we’re familiar with nowadays is merely material or physical science. Even a lot of psychology deals much more with chemicals and neurons than with mental things. Most of modern science is material and dealing with physical things, which is pretty much outside the scope of religious science or the science of religion because science of religion is interested in mental or spiritual things. When we say this religious science, or especially Buddhism, is concerned with mental things, we mean problems for the mind – those things which are problems and therefore painful for the mind – which of course means dukkha. So religious science is the science that leads to an understanding of these mental problems, and then a way of ending or solving the problems. Take for example modern psychology, which can come in two basic forms. There’s a certain kind of psychology in the world that although it deals with mental things, is primarily for the purpose of tricking people. Billions of dollars of research are poured into a kind of psychology that is just used to deceive people through propaganda, brainwashing, advertising, or other related fields. Although this could be called a science of the mind, it’s in no way religious because it has no intention to help people; it’s just deceiving and taking advantage of people. But another kind of psychology deals also with the mind and has the intention of helping people to end their mental problems. Any psychology which helps the mind to develop further in order to have control over itself, any kind of psychology that leads to self-control – or even further elimination of the self – this could be considered religious science. We could talk of spiritual psychology which leads to freedom from self, and then there is the ordinary worldly psychology which, instead of helping people to control themselves, is used instead to control, manipulate, and exploit people. This is the primary difference between what we could call ‘religious science’ and ‘worldly science.’ Worldly science is often material and is especially used to take advantage of people instead to help them. In the end, the word ‘spiritual’ simply means to deal with the most profound and important problem of the mind, which is the dukkha created by attachment to self. So ‘spiritual’ simply means the realm of attachment to self and getting free of attachment to self.
From the retreat “The Dhammic Life Which Is Still a Secret,” as translated from the Thai by Santikaro
Dhamma Questions & Responses sessions were offered by Buddhadāsa Bhikkhu in 1990-1991 to foreign meditators attending Suan Mokkh International Dharma Hermitage courses.
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