Think Wisely

~ By Ajahn Jayasāro ~

When we think of our mistakes in the past unwisely, we make ourselves the villain. We think “I was so bad. I am so bad.” The result is guilt. Guilt is a cause of suffering. It takes us round in circles. It has no resolution.

When we think of our mistakes in the past wisely, we think, “That was so bad. That was a wrong and foolish thing to do.” The result is shame. Shame is a mental factor leading to freedom from suffering. It motivates us to abandon the causes of our mistakes. It has a resolution.

When we think of our success in the past unwisely, we think, “I was so good. I am so good”. The result is pride, conceit and ingratitude. The more successful we are the stronger the sense of self, the more sensitive to praise and blame.

When we think of success in the past wisely, we think “That was so good. Goodness has been created.” The result is joy in the Dhamma and gratitude to our teachers. The more successful we are the less the sense of self and the more easy it becomes to navigate the world of praise and blame.

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"Food for the Heart", a series of Dhamma teachings handwritten weekly is posted on the Buddhadāsa Indapañño Archives page with Ajahn's kind permission.

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For other teachings by Ven. Ajahn Jayasāro, please visit the Panyaprateep Foundation website.


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